Events 2023

Alternatiba Léman 2023
Movement workshops, conferences, and enveloppement to explore connections between embodied arts and environmental activism.

GWD - GE 2023 Event 6: River Walk & Gestures of Water with Dance
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.

GWD - GE 2023 Event 5: Rainwater & Permaculture Gardening
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.

GWD - GE 2023 Event 4: Gestures of Water with Watercolors
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.

GWD - GE 2023 Event 3: Community Rain Dance
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.

GWD - GE 2023 Event 2: Wetland & River Walk
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.

Communities and Their Knowledges as Partners for Science Education at AAAS Webinar Series
AAA director Natasha Alhadeff-Jones presents Arts & Science Educators Collaborating for Creative Change, as a part of the series “Communities and Their Knowledges as Partners for Science Education”, organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

GWD - GE 2023 Event 1: Gestures of Water with Textile
Global Water Dances - Geneva 2023 will include a series of workshops, which will explore the relationships between the arts and environmental engagement.