Becoming - Reflection (2021), a screen dance by Natasha Alhadeff-Jones, will be presented for in-person and virtual attendees of the 35th Annual BMCA Hybrid Conference: "Rejoining the Circle: Somatic Agency and Social Justice".
In this dance made for the screen, Natasha Alhadeff-Jones explores the confluence of her struggle living in a land not of her birth and her coming home to herself. Not only a collage of visual images, "Becoming - Reflection" is a collage of movement vocabulary, her attempt to form a whole and coherent picture of the scattered nature of her experience living away from her family and sense of security, her attempt to address feeling displaced, foreign, and other. Like the layering of the images of the video, she layers her INTERPRETATIONS of different movement vocabulary, meaningful to her: the Dimensional Scale of Rudolf Laban, the traditional Haitian dance of Yanvalou as taught to her by Djola Branner, and the Silvestre Technique as taught to her by Rosangela Silvestre and her students Luanda Mori and Dominique Rey. "Becoming - Reflection" is a part of an ongoing series of eco-somatic dance exploration, engaging with the question: Beyond assimilating to a place, how can one be at home, in the body?